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Root Type Splitting

In GraphQL, we have root types that represent certain operations. GraphQL defines three root types: Query, Mutation, and Subscription. These root types are the entry points for the GraphQL schema.

Since these root types can grow in complexity, it is a good idea to split them into multiple classes without introducing nesting in our GraphQL schema.

For this, Hot Chocolate allows you to split these root types into multiple classes. Let's take a look at how we can split the Query root type into multiple classes.

Splitting the Query Root Type

In order to split the query type into multiple classes, we simply create one or more classes and annotate them with the QueryTypeAttribute.

public class Query1
public string GetHello1() => "Hello from Query1!";

public class Query2
public string GetHello2() => "Hello from Query2!";

The above code will result in a schema that looks like this:

type Query {
hello1: String!
hello2: String!

Splitting the root types in this way allows us to maintain separation of concerns in our codebase and makes it easier to manage. You can split a root type even across assemblies. Hot Chocolate will automatically discover these classes and merge them into a single root type for the GraphQL schema.


The classes can be static or instance classes.

The type auto-registration feature will automatically register these classes with the schema.